Self Help Workshop
Friday 22nd March 2024, 10am to 4pm in the Pavilion
An "In-House Self-Help Day" was held on Friday 22nd March.
Zoe Hing sent an email to members explaining what it was all about:
Dear members
Another idea for Lechlade Art Society Members ... a Self-Help Workshop Day!
I have made a provisional booking for the Pavilion on Friday 22nd March for a simple ‘tutorless’ workshop. We have oodles of talent amongst our members and it could be put to good use! The Thursday Group already help each other with both advice and encouragement - the plan is to build on this in a dedicated day.
We will set up a couple of still life groups and have a relaxed fun day experimenting with different approaches. This is a golden opportunity for those who are just beginning and need to
build on the skills they already have.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to join us - email address below. Four members have expressed interest so far. The Pavilion is booked for the whole day but, if this seems too much, you are welcome to dip in and out.
There will be a small charge of between £5 and £10. Maximum: 12 participants. Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring something for lunch if you want an uninterrupted day.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Zoë Hing; email: [email protected]