Lawrence Ward
After a hectic career in engineering I was fortunate enough to be able to take early retirement and to relax and concentrate on my painting. Though entirely self taught there have been other artists in the family and my passion for it has been there for as long as I can remember.
I was brought up on watercolour but switched about 10 years ago to acrylics and have not looked back. I paint in a largely traditional style, but enjoying the many advantages of acrylic. I love the freedom and immediacy it offers, and its wide ranging effects from vibrancy to subtlety. A prime interest has always been for landscape, particularly that of the woods and hills I love to walk in.
I have a particular fascination for capturing transient atmospherics and the subtle effects of light in the British countryside, seeking to transport others to the time and place that inspired the work. Perhaps this is driven by a need to provide some relief from everyday stresses and to capture a rapidly disappearing countryside.
I live in Stanford in the Vale, Oxfordshire, and am a Member of the Oxford Art Society, West Ox Arts, Faringdon Art Society and Lechlade Art Society. My work has been exhibited and sold widely in the Thames Valley and the Cotswolds, through private sales, society exhibitions, galleries, solo and selected artist exhibitions. Prices tend to lie in the range £140 to £380. Visit my website: http://lawrenceward.weebly.com/
Copyright © 2015 LawrenceWard
Update June 2023 - Sadly Lawrence died on Tuesday 9th May in the John Radcliffe hospital. This page remains online in memory of a loyal and talented long-term member.
Click a thumbnail in the gallery to view an enlarged image with details of the picture.