We are a Society with around 100 members of varying talents and interests. Joining the Lechlade Art Society will create great opportunities for you to meet with other artists, learn new techniques, push your boundaries into different subjects or media, and be inspired by excellent tutors, challenging workshops and, of course, fellow members.
Please come and join us!
Please come and join us!
Membership Fee (revised 8 May 2023)
Annual Membership (1 Jul 2024 to 30 Jun 2025): Single £25; Double (2 people at the same address) £40
Part-Year Membership (1 Jan 2025 to 30 Jun 2025): Single £12.50; Double: (2 people at the same address) £25
Membership renewal is due on 1 July and should be paid by 31 July.
Annual Membership (1 Jul 2024 to 30 Jun 2025): Single £25; Double (2 people at the same address) £40
Part-Year Membership (1 Jan 2025 to 30 Jun 2025): Single £12.50; Double: (2 people at the same address) £25
Membership renewal is due on 1 July and should be paid by 31 July.
Membership Form
To join the Society, or to renew your existing membership, please complete the Membership Form. We ask for a completed membership form when you first join and at renewals afterwards if any details (such as your home address, email address, telephone number or communication preferences) change. This enables the Society to keep its records up to date.
Completion of the form requires consent to the Lechlade Art Society Data Protection Policy (the Policy) which descibes how the Society stores and uses your personal details. It also requires various other consents necessary for the efficient running of the Society and for you as a member to get the most out of your membership.
To join the Society, or to renew your existing membership, please complete the Membership Form. We ask for a completed membership form when you first join and at renewals afterwards if any details (such as your home address, email address, telephone number or communication preferences) change. This enables the Society to keep its records up to date.
Completion of the form requires consent to the Lechlade Art Society Data Protection Policy (the Policy) which descibes how the Society stores and uses your personal details. It also requires various other consents necessary for the efficient running of the Society and for you as a member to get the most out of your membership.
Download the Membership Form (pdf 189KB) to view and/or print
Download the Membership Form (docx 60KB) to complete on your Phone, PC or Tablet (requires Microsoft Office Word or a compatible editor App) to email to the Society
Download the Membership Form (docx 60KB) to complete on your Phone, PC or Tablet (requires Microsoft Office Word or a compatible editor App) to email to the Society
Download the [Data Protection] Policy (pdf 77KB) for viewing or printing
View the [Data Protection] Policy on this website
View the [Data Protection] Policy on this website
If you cannot print the pdf Membership Form, please download the Microsoft Office Word document, complete it electronically and email it to the Society for the attention of Jill Smith, Membership Secretary, at the address below.
Alternatively you can collect a hard copy Membership Form when attending a Society meeting/event or request one by emailing:
[email protected]
Lechlade Art Society Constitution
You may also be interested in reading the Constitution of the Lechlade Art Society (the Constitution) which has recently been revised and then approved at the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 11th July 2023.
Download the Constitution (pdf 132KB) for viewing or printing
You may also be interested in reading the Constitution of the Lechlade Art Society (the Constitution) which has recently been revised and then approved at the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 11th July 2023.
Download the Constitution (pdf 132KB) for viewing or printing
1. POLICY STATEMENT Lechlade Art Society (hereafter the Society) collects, stores, and processes limited personal data about its members. The Society strives to discharge its legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter the GDPR) appropriately. As data users, the Society’s members are obliged to comply with the Lechlade Art Society Data Protection Policy (hereafter the Policy) when storing and processing personal data on behalf of the Society. The Society strives to process personal data fairly and lawfully for purposes limited to the efficient running of the Society and conforming to the GDPR in respect of adequacy, accuracy and relevance to its purpose. Data must be held securely and erased once it has served its purpose and processed in accordance with members’ rights.
2. PURPOSE Personal data is collected by the Society in order that information, news, advice and instructions concerning the Society and its activities can be conveniently circulated to the membership. The data collected for each member comprises – full name, address, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address, and [where applicable, but
not limited to] exhibition participation and meeting attendance (hereafter the Collected Data).
3. COLLECTION AND CONSENT Members will have the opportunity to update their Collected Data each year at the time of membership renewal or at any other time by providing their request in writing with relevant details to the Membership Secretary. A new member joining the Society, or an existing member renewing their membership, will be required to complete a Membership Form (hereafter the Form) and be asked to positively give their consent by signature to the Policy in respect to their Collected Data. The Policy clearly describes the intended use of the Collected Data, how it will be stored, who will hold it, to whom it will be available and when it will expire and be erased. Members will be advised of their right to access, amend and withdraw their consent at any subsequent time.
4. WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT See Paragraph 9, Members’ Rights.
5. DATA RETENTION AND STORAGE The Collected Data will be securely stored in electronic and/or paper form by the Membership Secretary. The Collected Data will be shared with other Society Committee Members who require it for circulation of information, the general running of the Society and the provision of membership benefits. When the Collected Data is updated, any obsolete copies will be destroyed.
6. LIST OF DATA HOLDERS The Collected Data will be held by the Society’s Committee Members. The Collected Data will be used to advise members of Chairperson’s decisions such as late cancellation of meetings, distribute sales and expenses cheques by post, circulate forms relating to membership, notify members of upcoming events and meetings, and for the general day to day efficient running of the Society.
7. DELETION OF DATA Upon return to the Membership Secretary of updated or new Forms, the obsolete Forms will be destroyed. The Collected Data for members who elect not to renew their membership, leave the Society, request the deletion of their Collected Data, or withdraw consent will be destroyed within 28 days or as soon as possible. The Membership Secretary will delete his/her data and then advise other Society Committee Members to delete any data they hold. Deletion or changes to data must be accomplished to all copies within 28 days or as soon as possible. No member will be given any details of another member’s data. No member’s Collected Data will be used other than within the Society for the purposes set out. If any member wishes to amend their Collected Data they should contact the Membership Secretary.
8. DATA PROCESSING Collected Data is used only within the Society and primarily for information circulation by email. Email circulations must always, and without exception, use the BCC facility so that members’ email addresses are not visible to other members, email interceptors or hackers. The Society will, in all respects, process data in accordance with the GDPR. The Society will only hold data that is necessary for the purposes of running the Society efficiently, conferring membership benefits and maintaining a full record of its membership.
9. MEMBERS’ RIGHTS It is the right of any member to request sight of the Collected Data held by the Society on them and to require the Society to amend the Collected Data or remove it from all records. This may involve withdrawal of consent and, in such a case, the member will be advised that the Society will no longer be able to confer membership benefits including, but not limited to, the distribution of information.
10. DATA BREACHES Because of the limited distribution of the Collected Data within the Society, breaches are unlikely and should be easily recognised by the data holder. As soon as a breach is recognised it must be reported to the Chairperson and the affected member(s) must be notified immediately and advised of what data has been compromised. Security must be reviewed and modified to ensure that a further breach cannot ensue.
11. ACCESS TO COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND OFFICIALS A list of Committee Members and their functions can be found on the Society’s website. A Committee Member can be contacted by emailing the Society and the email will be promptly passed on to the appropriate Committee Member who will contact the member.
12. NEW APPLICANTS’ DATA A new member wishing to join the Society will be asked to complete the Form and send it to the Membership Secretary who will add the new Collected Data to the Society’s membership records. The new Collected Data will be circulated to other Society Committee Members only. Thereafter the data relating to the new members will be treated in the same way as existing members.
June 2022 Version 2
1. POLICY STATEMENT Lechlade Art Society (hereafter the Society) collects, stores, and processes limited personal data about its members. The Society strives to discharge its legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter the GDPR) appropriately. As data users, the Society’s members are obliged to comply with the Lechlade Art Society Data Protection Policy (hereafter the Policy) when storing and processing personal data on behalf of the Society. The Society strives to process personal data fairly and lawfully for purposes limited to the efficient running of the Society and conforming to the GDPR in respect of adequacy, accuracy and relevance to its purpose. Data must be held securely and erased once it has served its purpose and processed in accordance with members’ rights.
2. PURPOSE Personal data is collected by the Society in order that information, news, advice and instructions concerning the Society and its activities can be conveniently circulated to the membership. The data collected for each member comprises – full name, address, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address, and [where applicable, but
not limited to] exhibition participation and meeting attendance (hereafter the Collected Data).
3. COLLECTION AND CONSENT Members will have the opportunity to update their Collected Data each year at the time of membership renewal or at any other time by providing their request in writing with relevant details to the Membership Secretary. A new member joining the Society, or an existing member renewing their membership, will be required to complete a Membership Form (hereafter the Form) and be asked to positively give their consent by signature to the Policy in respect to their Collected Data. The Policy clearly describes the intended use of the Collected Data, how it will be stored, who will hold it, to whom it will be available and when it will expire and be erased. Members will be advised of their right to access, amend and withdraw their consent at any subsequent time.
4. WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT See Paragraph 9, Members’ Rights.
5. DATA RETENTION AND STORAGE The Collected Data will be securely stored in electronic and/or paper form by the Membership Secretary. The Collected Data will be shared with other Society Committee Members who require it for circulation of information, the general running of the Society and the provision of membership benefits. When the Collected Data is updated, any obsolete copies will be destroyed.
6. LIST OF DATA HOLDERS The Collected Data will be held by the Society’s Committee Members. The Collected Data will be used to advise members of Chairperson’s decisions such as late cancellation of meetings, distribute sales and expenses cheques by post, circulate forms relating to membership, notify members of upcoming events and meetings, and for the general day to day efficient running of the Society.
7. DELETION OF DATA Upon return to the Membership Secretary of updated or new Forms, the obsolete Forms will be destroyed. The Collected Data for members who elect not to renew their membership, leave the Society, request the deletion of their Collected Data, or withdraw consent will be destroyed within 28 days or as soon as possible. The Membership Secretary will delete his/her data and then advise other Society Committee Members to delete any data they hold. Deletion or changes to data must be accomplished to all copies within 28 days or as soon as possible. No member will be given any details of another member’s data. No member’s Collected Data will be used other than within the Society for the purposes set out. If any member wishes to amend their Collected Data they should contact the Membership Secretary.
8. DATA PROCESSING Collected Data is used only within the Society and primarily for information circulation by email. Email circulations must always, and without exception, use the BCC facility so that members’ email addresses are not visible to other members, email interceptors or hackers. The Society will, in all respects, process data in accordance with the GDPR. The Society will only hold data that is necessary for the purposes of running the Society efficiently, conferring membership benefits and maintaining a full record of its membership.
9. MEMBERS’ RIGHTS It is the right of any member to request sight of the Collected Data held by the Society on them and to require the Society to amend the Collected Data or remove it from all records. This may involve withdrawal of consent and, in such a case, the member will be advised that the Society will no longer be able to confer membership benefits including, but not limited to, the distribution of information.
10. DATA BREACHES Because of the limited distribution of the Collected Data within the Society, breaches are unlikely and should be easily recognised by the data holder. As soon as a breach is recognised it must be reported to the Chairperson and the affected member(s) must be notified immediately and advised of what data has been compromised. Security must be reviewed and modified to ensure that a further breach cannot ensue.
11. ACCESS TO COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND OFFICIALS A list of Committee Members and their functions can be found on the Society’s website. A Committee Member can be contacted by emailing the Society and the email will be promptly passed on to the appropriate Committee Member who will contact the member.
12. NEW APPLICANTS’ DATA A new member wishing to join the Society will be asked to complete the Form and send it to the Membership Secretary who will add the new Collected Data to the Society’s membership records. The new Collected Data will be circulated to other Society Committee Members only. Thereafter the data relating to the new members will be treated in the same way as existing members.
June 2022 Version 2